In 2020, Maëlisse Audugé, a former BTS student at the Lycée Maritime du Guilvinec, developed an innovative project, the Sacabout. This pocket, attached to the fishermen's belt, is used to collect the net cuttings when repairing fishing nets and thus prevent the cuttings from falling on to the deck of boats and ending up at sea. The Sacabout can collect up to 3 meters of net cuttings.
This project was initiated during the national monitoring of marine litter, coordinated by the CEDRE (Center for Documentation, Research and Experimentation) and carried out every year on a beach in Guilvinec by students in a maritime BTS. This monitoring has shown that 70% of the waste collected corresponds to pieces of net cuttings. In view with this observation and in an effort to reduce marine litter, the discussions carried out by Maëlisse Audgé and her calssmates led to the development of this innovative prototype.
The first prototype of this pocket was developed in collaboration with fishermen so that this accessory can be adapted to their working conditions as much as possible. The objective is also to design the Sacabout using materials from recycled fishing gear.