Festival of the Sea and Coasts 2020

17 july 2020

On July 17-19, 2020, The 2nd edition of the Festival of the Sea and Coasts will take place, carried by the French National Assembly. The action aims to raise among public awareness of discover and protection of marine and coastal environment.

The opportunity to participate in the Fish & Click program during these 3 days dedicated, among other things, to the struggle against plastic pollution at sea and on the coasts.

Fishing gear made from plastic materials has an estimated lifetime of several hundred years, which is an issue if the gear is lost at sea. It generates pollution and some of the fishing equipment can even continue to fish, known as ghost fishing.

Don’t hesitate and help us to collect lost fishing gear. This will allow us to make a current assessment of the pollution by the use of plastics in the fishing and suggest solutions for its management.

To participate, go to the website https://fishandclick.ifremer.fr or the mobile application "Fish & Click", the observation form is simple and easy.

Walker, diver, boater of fishermen, we count on you ! Your collaboration is key to the project’s success.