The Fish&Click photo exhibition

20 march 2023

The Fish&Click team is pleased to announce its photo exhibition on lost fishing gear! This exhibition will present citizen’s pictures. A jury composed of Thomas Pesquet (spaceman), Maëlisse Audugé (fisher), Veronique Bécaert (artist), Rafaele Attia (researcher), Alain Le Sann (member of the fishing and development committee), Nicolas Floc’h and Alexis Rosenfeld (photographers) has selected these images.

This free exhibition will be open from March 30th to June 30th at the Marinarium of Concarneau. You will discover different types of lost fishing gear as well as a weave realised by Veronique Becaert's. In addition, schoolchild from the school Notre-Dame de la Charité in Saint-Pol-de-Léon will exhibit masterpieces made of fishing gear collected during beach clean-ups.

We hope that this exhibition will inspire you to protect our oceans and coastlines.

Don’t forget to download our application!

More about Fish&Click here: