Observer's portrait #1

30 june 2021

It's your turn to speak ! Opening of our series of portrait with Thierry, regular participant in Fish & Click who speaks to us about his report to the protection of the environment his actions to contribute there.

Since his youger, Thierry is sensitive to the protection of the environment and joins to associations in this direction. "I am particularly attached to the Atlantic Ocean. I like to observe the rhythm of the tides and to smell the seaweeds washed up on the beach ". Thierry is struck by the reduction of the coastline and notes the disappearance of certain beaches. He also notes the important pollution present on the beaches. "I take advantage of my walks on the beach to collect waste. I collect approximately 3 to 5 kg every day! ".

After discovering Fish & Click through an article in the newspaper, Thierry actively participates in the program during his beach clean up. "I find the application fun and easy to use. In this way, I bring my stone to the building. The sea is beautiful, we have to help it".

During these actions, Thierry sensitizes the other walkers of the shore so that more citizens get involved in these steps and make evolve the practices.