What are bioplastics ?

28 april 2021

The challenge of the INdIGO project is to develop a new biodegradable fishing gear. But what are bioplastics?

Bioplastics refer to materials whose origin and end of life are different:

- Biosourced and biodegradable plastics

- Biosourced and non-biodegradable plastics

- Non-biosourced and biodegradable plastics

Biosources plastics are partially or entirely made of organic materials (e.g. plant material) but are not all biodegradable or compostable.

Biodegradable plastics decompose under the action of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae). The residues resulting from the degradation (water, CO2, methane) are non-toxic for the environment. Biodegradability depends on the chemical structure of the polymer and the characteristics of the environment in which it degrades.

The new fishing gear developed in the INdIGO project will be biodegradable in the marine environment and will thus reduce pollution by microplastics in case of lost fishing gear at sea. To ensure this, biodegradation and ecotoxicity tests will be carried out in the marine environment.